Cowlitz Coast Salish Language Revitalization in partnership with The Language Conservancy (TLC)

The first Cowlitz Coast Salish Language Weekend was held on October 24th & 25th, 2020 with approximately 25 Cowlitz members in attendance virtually. Valuable participant feedback was provided to TLC, here are some direct quotes:
“The staff is well educated in the language and did an excellent job in teaching. Thank you.”
“More accessible materials to reference after the event :) otherwise, this was wonderful!”
“This was an amazing opportunity for me, thank you!!! I feel the content of the class was excellent and very well organized.”
As the Tribe enters its second year of contracting with TLC please check out this page for announcements and upcoming events regarding Cowlitz Coast Salish.
Year 2 Deliverables include:
- 3 picture books and a media player app that will read the picture books allowed.
- An online Cowlitz Coast Salish dictionary as well as a dictionary app.
- Two Language Weekends and one youth Language Weekend.
To view the October 2020 Cowlitz Coast Salish Language Weekend Videos you will need to have your Cowlitz Vimeo Video Portal username and password to login.
If you do not have a login please go to the video portal access request form.