
Cowlitz Indian Tribal Court

tribal court

The Cowlitz Tribal Court hears civil and criminal matters that fall within the court’s jurisdiction and is staffed by a Tribal Judge and a Tribal Court Administrator. Court is typically held the second and fourth Wednesday of the month, unless a holiday, but the Court retains the discretion to convene on alternative or additional days depending on the circumstances

Services & Programs:

  • Cowlitz Tribal Court is a court of limited jurisdiction, the court can only hear certain types of cases; legal actions that are brought under a Tribal Code or ordinance that has been expressly conferred jurisdiction on the Tribal Court.  
  • Tribal Court maintains a docket the second and fourth Wednesday of the month excluding holidays. Cases heard on docket currently consist of civil infraction matters that have occurred on the reservation.  Matters such as traffic violations, trespassing orders and non-moving violations are issued through out Public Safety Department and forwarded to the tribal Court for processing.


  • Read both sides of the document fully. It is both a SUMMONS for Jury Service and a Juror Questionnaire Form.
  • YOU MUST complete the Juror Questionnaire.
    • Fill out the front and the back sides of the form
    • Tear along the dotted line
    • Place your completed form in the self-addressed stamped envelope provided and mail and/or deliver to:
    • Cowlitz Tribal Court
      31555 NW 31st Avenue
      Ridgefield, WA 98642
  • Keep the bottom portion of the form (it has your juror number listed on the front.
  • Bring the bottom portion of the form with you when appearing for jury service.
  • Upon receiving the exemption request, it is submitted to Judge for review.
  • The Judge reviews the request and the provided information to reach a decision.
  • Court staff will then send written notification of the decision by mail (and email if an email address was provided on the form).
  • Jurors shall receive $25 per day of service when summonsed or required to appear for jury selection or jury service.
  • Jurors will receive reimbursement for mileage from their home address to the trial location and back to the home address. Mileage is calculated at the standard federal GSA rate (for 2025, this is $0.70 per mile).
  • Please note: Tribal Court does not provide lodging.
  • Plan on 8:00am – 5:00pm. With several possible factors affecting times, actual times may vary. Be sure to call and check in by phone after 6:00pm on the Friday before your scheduled date of service.

1. COMPLETE THE JURY QUESTIONNAIRE: Fill out the form in writing (both sides) and return the top half by mail or in person. Keep the bottom half which notes your juror ID #.

2. JUROR ID NUMBER: This number is listed on the front side of the summons

3. TERM OF SERVICE: Your term of service is for THIS trial ONLY. If you are not selected as a juror for this trial, you are released from your service.

4. CHECK IN BY PHONE: For reporting and/or further instructions –

CALL Tribal Court beginning after 6:00pm the FRIDAY before your TRIAL DATE (DATE TO REPORT) begins at (360) 353-9501. There will be an updated voicemail message with instructions for reporting and/or important information updates.


31555 NW 31st Ave
Ridgefield, WA 98642
(360) 353-9501


(360) 353-9501

Have other questions about the program?
  • The court is prohibited from hearing two types of cases. First the Tribal Court lacks jurisdiction over a matter in which the Tribe has asserted sovereign immunity, or a Tribal Court has asserted immunity. Secondly, the Tribe lacks jurisdiction in actions that are subject to arbitration or mediation under the terms of a duly authorized contract. For example, the Tribal court cannot hear a dispute arising out of a government-to-government agreement subject to mediation or arbitration.  
  • The court cannot offer legal advice or refer any attorney or council to any party of the court case or potential court case, to do so would show bias and prejudice to the parties.  Therefore, it is often difficult to answer questions about filings and/or what steps need to be taken in a particular case. 

Our Locations

Ridgefield Office
31555 NW 31st Avenue, Ridgefield, WA 98642
Phone: (360) 353-9501
Fax: (360) 309-5908
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
Mt St Helens