Cowlitz Members GWE

For Cowlitz Tribal Members Only:
On November 7, 2022, the Cowlitz Indian Tribe launched our new partnership with FSA TPA for assistance with our General Welfare (GWE) Payment Programs. FSA TPA, LLC is an American Indian owned firm who provides Tribes with third-party administration services, concerning their Tribal Member Benefits Programs. FSA TPA will be providing administration and payment services for the Tribe’s Program as established under the guidance of the General Welfare Exclusion Act of 2014.
In the next few months FSA TPA’s Administration services will begin to administer the following programs:
- Tax revenue fund GWE Essential needs distributions
- GWE Health and Wellness (for Elders 65 and over)
- GWE One-Time Payment (for Elder Housing available on Tribal Member’s 62nd birthday)
Our new partnership with FSA TPA will allow Members to manage their GWE benefits online. To create an account visit https://cowlitz.macrim.net and select "Sign in" on the top right of the page and enter your personal information to create your Username and Password. This new functionality will make the payment quicker and the program easier to access.
- A quicker and simpler process for accepting and processing of your benefit(s)
- Direct Deposit is available for those who want their reimbursement placed directly in their checking or savings account; Members can also elect to receive a paper check
- Access to view your payment status and history
Please note, since FSA TPA will be issuing payment, you must provide your banking information in order to receive direct deposit. Information previously provided to the Tribe will not be transferred over. The site is highly secure and encrypted, protecting your information. Once provided to FSA TPA, it will remain on file for future payments.
FSA TPA will be processing payments on a weekly basis for the benefits that have been claimed and approved to pay via the Tribe. If a member’s payment method is listed as a check, the check will be mailed to the address on record with Tribal Enrollment; please allow for 7-10 business days once approved for receipt of payment. If a member’s payment method is listed as a direct deposit, those deposits will be in a member’s bank account within 48 to 72 hours once approved by the Tribe.
Per our Constitution, Enrollment has authority over all address changes. Members can submit a request through the FSA TPA Account Portal to have Enrollment update their address information. Address update requests will be routed to the Tribal Enrollment Department for review and approval. Payments will not be processed by FSA TPA until updated address information is confirmed back to FSA TPA.
Like any new system, we have experienced a few snags in the first week. Staff have been working diligently to address these issues. We are working on linking all minors to the correct household. Your minor children should display on your profile in the coming days. You will receive a separate check for each minor in your care. If you already created a separate account for minor children, those payments will be made, but in the future please disregard the separate login. Moving forward you will be able to use your log-in for all minors in your care.
A paper application will be mailed for those without internet access. We highly encourage Members to use the online portal for quicker access to your funds.
For additional program questions or concerns, please contact a Customer Service Representative with FSA TPA at (844) 969-8777 and press 0 to be routed to an agent. For general member benefit questions, or to update your contact information please contact Cowlitz Enrollment at (360) 575-6230 or (360) 353-9922.
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