Liquor License Application

Application must be completed by all persons or entities that sell, distribute, or manufacture liquor within the Cowlitz Indian Tribe's Indian country pursuant to the Tribe's Liquor Ordinance.
This is to regulate and control the possession, sale, manufacture, and distribution of liquor within the Tribe's reservation, trust lands, and all Indian Country as defined in 18 U.S.C. 1151, in order to permit alcohol sales by tribally owned and operated enterprises and lessees and at other tribally approved special events.
For information please visit: Federal Register: Cowlitz Indian Tribe Liquor Ordinance
Click to view and/or download: Cowlitz Indian Tribe Application for Liquor License.
Application must be completed in its entirety and signed. No modifications of any kind may be made.
Please mail or return your completed application and payment to:
Cowlitz Indian Tribe
Attn: Licensing Department
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