Cultural Resources

Ordering Eagle Parts and Feathers from the National Eagle Repository

Cowlitz Eagle Repository

For hundreds of years, Native Americans have used eagle parts and feathers for religious and cultural purposes, including healing, marriage, and naming ceremonies. Recognizing the significance of eagles to Native Americans, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) established the National Eagle Repository (Repository) in the early 1970s to provide Native Americans with the carcasses, parts and feathers of Golden and Bald eagles for religious purposes.

Who may obtain eagle carcasses, parts, and feathers from the Repository?
Only enrolled members of Federally recognized tribes who are 18 years of age or older may apply to receive and possess eagle carcasses, parts, and feathers from the Repository for religious purposes.

How do I request these items from the Repository?
Applications can be found online at

For first time applicants:

  1. Fill out Form 3-200-15A (Permit Application and First Order Request ) - Online at:
  2. Have your tribal enrollment office fill out the “Certificate of Enrollment in a Federally Recognized Tribe form”.
  3. Submit all documentation to the permit office designated for the state you live in.
  4. The permit office will process your permit application and, if approved, issue you a lifetime permit to possess eagle carcasses or parts (including feathers) provided by the Repository for religious purposes.
  5. The permit office will forward your First Order to the Repository for processing.

After your first order has been filled, you will submit all Reorders directly to the repository. You may only have one pending request on file at any given time.

For Reorders:

  1. Fill out Form 3-200-15B (Re-order Request) - Online at:
  2. You do not have to have your tribal office fill out another Certificate of Enrollment.
  3. Submit completed form directly to the Repository.
  4. A blue postcard acknowledging your request was received will be sent to you within 2 weeks. It is a notification only and there is no need to contact the repository.

Please contact the permit office if you need to change the name or address on your permit or request a copy. You may only have one pending request on file at any given time.

What items may Native Americans order from the Repository?

  1. Up to one whole Golden or Bald eagle or equivalent parts.
  2. Loose feathers.
  3. A pair of wings
  4. A whole tail
  5. A head, pair of talons, or trunk.

You many not order more of any part than is found on one whole eagle.

How many loose feathers may an individual request?
There are two types of loose feather requests. You may only request one or the other but not both and the Loose Feathers cannot be added to a whole bird, pair of wings, or tail order.

10 Quality Loose Feathers:

  • These consist of 8 wing feathers and 2 tail feathers.
  • Hand- picked.
  • No more than 2 tail feathers will be provided per order, due to limited supply.
  • Wing feathers will be selected half from the left wing and half from the right wing, unless specified all from one side.
  • Spike feathers will be utilized.
  • Efforts are made to match the best quality feathers available.


20 Miscellaneous Loose Feathers:

  • These consist of assorted feathers.
  • Includes various type feathers (such as primaries, secondaries, tail, and plumes).
  • All plumes may be requested.
  • These are lower quality feathers and feather condition cannot be guaranteed.
  • Applicants may not customize orders.


May a school request eagle feathers for graduation?

  1. Yes, schools may request eagle feathers to present at graduation to Native American students who are enrolled members of Federally recognized tribes.
  2. A representative from the school who is an enrolled member of a Federally recognized tribe should apply at the beginning of the school year for the 20 miscellaneous feather category which has the shortest turnaround time.
    • Only one order per applicant may be pending at a time. This includes orders placed for personal use.
  3. Upon receipt of feathers, applicants may reorder and may continue to do so throughout the year until the number of feathers needed have been acquired.

If your order is for graduation purposes, please write “GRADUATION” on the order form.

How long does it take the Repository to fill orders?
The demand for eagle carcasses, parts, and feathers is high and supplies are limited.
The time needed to fill requests will vary depending on the items ordered and as the inventory permits.
Estimated time frames for various items are provided below.